Protanopia or Red-Green Color Blindness

Protanopia is a one of three type of color vision dichromacy. People affected with protanopia are unable to distinguish certain colors from one another. people are completely unable to distinguish colors not actually to much, While you usually heard about the color blind. People with protanopia will hard to distinguishing between red and greens, these colors look sort of grey rather than the color red or green.

Protanopia caused by an unequal recombination in the gen passed on from the parents to their children. Patients with protanopia, either have faulty long-wavelength cones (L-cones). The latter of protanopia is called red-dichromacy.

In other source, they are wrote definition about protanopia :
Protanopia: The limited ability to see all primary colors to seeing blue and yellow.

Protanopia: lowered sensitivity dichromacy characterized to long wavelengths of light resulting in limited capability to distinguish red and purplish blue.

Different types of Red-green color blindness splitted by two: Whereas those affected by protan color blindness have limited ability to sensitive red light, deuteranopia or deuteranomaly (other type of red-green color blindness) have related to sensitive on green light.

Gender     Protanopia     Protanomaly
Male        1.01%            1.08%
Female     0.02%            0.03%

Ratios by Gender

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