Blindness is the inability to see anything generally refers to a complete lack of functional vision, even
light. However, blindness involves varying levels ability, If you are partially blind, you gonna have a limited vision. Completely blindness means that you cannot see anything and you are like in total darkness. What a person with healthy eyes can see from 200 feet away, people with legally blind person can see only from 20 feet away this means is it a Legal blindness, depending on the cause of your vision impairment, you may suffer from blurry vision or the inability to distinguish the shapes of objects.
Complete blindness

Complete blindness is characterised by a complete and total loss of vision. Many totally different diseases can cause complete blindness; some develop later in life and a few area unit gift at birth. The leading reason for blindness around the world is polygenic disorder. Diabetes causes diabetic retinopathy, which attack in destruction of the retina. other causes of complete cecity embody age-related macular degeneration, that the National Eye Institute calls the foremost common reason for blindness in adults World Health Organization area unit sixty or older; cataracts, that obstructs light-weight from hitting the membrane as a result of opaque patches on a lens; and glaucoma, that causes blindness due to injury to the optic nerve.
Color blindness
People who have color blindness, also called dyschromatopsia, is limited ability to differentiate certain colours. this type of blindness more commonly affects men than ladies. Research in US, the most common type of color blindness is red-green color blindness, that makes it tough to distinguish bound shades of red and green. color blindness is sort of always gift at birth, and is usually caused by the presence of a defective gene on the x chromosome. Defective retinal cells end in some kinds of color blindness; alternative forms are caused by defects in the optic nerve.
Night blindness
Night blindness is vision impairment that happens at night or once light is dim. It doesn't generally result in a complete lack of vision however significantly impaired vision. people with night blindness usually have problem driving in the dark or seeing stars. many different factors cause night blindness, in step with the University of Maryland medical center. These factors embody cataracts, birth defects, a vitamin A deficiency, and a retinal eye disease is called retinitis pigmentosa.
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